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Elkdale Bar & Grill

Welcome! It is good to be able to get you a bite to eat! Please see our available menus and hours on this page. More items will be added in the future. Please phone in your order. (716) 945-5553 x2

Methods of Payment:

  • Credit/debit card
  • Cash

When ordering from the course you can order drinks to take out WITH your FOOD order. You may pick up your order in the Clubhouse at the Kitchen area. We ask players to order by phone when on #8 tee, pick up your order when making the turn and head immediately to the 10th tee. Please no stopping between nines players take their food orders to-go.

Lounge opening April 11, Lunches starting April 15, Sunday Breakfast start May 1, Friday dinners in the dinning room start April 29.  Lunch every day. Friday night dinners with reservations. Sunday morning breakfast.

Thank you for your order and enjoy your day on the Course!

Elkdale Country Club
4676 Route 353
Salamanca, NY 14779